51 bestelbare resultaten

Het autistische brein - Temple Grandin ; Richard Panek - 9789057123870

Different Kinds of Minds: A Guide to Your Brain - Temple Grandin - 9780593352885

Animals in Translation - Temple Grandin - 9780747566694

Different Kinds of Minds - Temple Grandin - 9781846048043

Thinking in Pictures - Temple Grandin - 9780747585329

Temple Talks….About Autism and Sensory Issues - Temple Grandin - 9781935567424

Autism and Sensory Issues - Temple Grandin - 9781963367171

Calling All Minds - Ph.D. Temple Grandin - 9781524738228

Outdoor Scientist - Ph.D. Temple Grandin - 9780593115565

Autism & Education: The Way I See It - Temple Grandin - 9781957984070

Different...Not Less - Temple Grandin - 9781949177473

Emergence: Labeled Autistic - GRANDIN,  Temple - 9780446671828

Visual Thinking - Temple Grandin - 9781846046872

Grandin, T: Visual Thinking - Temple Grandin - 9780593418376

Autism & Adolescence—The Way I See It - Temple Grandin - 9781957984988

Humane Livestock Handling - Temple Grandin - 9781603420280

The Way I See It - Temple Grandin - 9781949177312

Grandin, T: Different Kinds of Minds - Temple Grandin - 9780593352878

Temple Grandin's Guide to Working with Farm Animals - Temple Grandin - 9781612127446

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