275 bestelbare resultaten

Moral Absolutes - J.M. Finnis - 9780813207452

The Experiment of Faith - Matthew J. Ramage - 9780813232690

Homilies on Luke - Origen - 9780813217444

Christ the Educator - Clement of Alexandria - 9780813215624

Saint Thomas Aquinas v. 2; Spiritual Master - Jean-Pierre Torrell - 9780813213163

Shared Mission - Leonardo Franchi ; Gerhard Cardinal Muller - 9781949822403

The Way of Humility - Charles J. Kim - 9780813237398

The Irreducibility of the Human Person - Mark K. Spencer - 9780813235202

Biomedicine & Beatitude - Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco O.P. - 9780813233901

Black Catholic Studies Reader - David J. Endres - 9780813234298

Reading John with St. Thomas Aquinas - Michael Dauphinais ; Matthew Levering - 9780813218700

Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 2 - St. Cyril of Alexandria - 9780813227719

History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages - Etienne Gilson - 9780813231952

Christianity and European Culture - Gerald J. Russello - 9780813209142

Inspiration and Interpretation - Saint Aquinas - 9780813217468

Recapitulations - Thomas Prufer - 9780813230641

Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 6-10 - Origen - 9780813220215

Life and Works - St. Gregory Thaumaturgus ; Michael Slusser - 9780813227658

Mysteries of the Lord's Prayer - SJ Gavin - 9780813233826

Commentary on the Apocalypse - Andrew of Caesarea - 9780813228112

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