62 bestelbare resultaten

Haal meer uit de Bijbel - Gordon. D Fee ; Douglas Stuart - 9789058111746

Lexicon Bijbels Grieks - Johan Murre - 9789492183316

Themes, Lexemes, and "Mnemes" - Samuel L. Voo - 9783161635175

Women Patrons and Mothers in Associations and the New Testament - Susan E. Benton - 9783161634635

The Therapeutae as the Best Paradigm for the Contemplative Life - Romulus D. Stefanut - 9783161570483

Creation Concepts and Creation Care - Zacharias Shoukry ; Mirjam Jekel ; Ruben Zimmermann - 9783161634260

The Hour of Justification in the Fourth Gospel - Stephen C. Amador - 9783161620799

Eschatology and Dualism in the Johannine Epistles - W. Elliot Luo - 9783161634413

Revelation 19-21 in the Exegesis of Early Christian Roman Africa - Martina Vercesi - 9783161626906

Is It Good to Be Rich? - Peter Altmann ; Nadine Ueberschaer ; Frank Ueberschaer - 9783161608490

Septuaginta - A Reader's Edition. Zwei Bände - Gregory R. Lanier ; William A. Ross - 9783438051905

Divine and Human Love in Jewish and Christian Antiquity - Kylie Crabbe ; David Lincicum - 9783161634628

Greek Old Testament-Septuaginta - Alfred Rahlfs ; Robert Hanhart - 9783438051196

Authorial Fictions and Attributions in the Ancient Mediterranean - Chance E. Bonar ; Julia D. Lindenlaub - 9783161617829

Neutestamentliches Griechisch - Barbara Fuß - 9783825239756

Das Neue Testament und seine Welt - Peter Pilhofer - 9783825233631

Das Koine-Griechisch des Neuen Testaments - Gerhard Tauberschmidt - 9783825260859

Der verborgene Vater im Matthausevangelium - Lena Lutticke - 9783161620775

"Vaterliche Gesetze" und das Gesetz des Mose - Reinhard Gregor Kratz - 9783161627415

Sunde als Zielverfehlung bei Paulus - Harro Koning - 9783161628115

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