39 bestelbare resultaten

De reuzenkopbever - Peter de Bruijn ; Ingrid de Bruijn ; Bram Langeveld ; Rob van den Berg - 9789050119634

Fascinerende fossielen - Bram Langeveld - 9789050119443

Geheimen uit de diepe tijd - Helen Gordon - 9789029094825

Catching Stardust - Natalie Starkey - 9781472955012

The Human Planet - Simon Lewis ; Mark A. Maslin - 9780241280881

The Pebble Spotter's Guide - Clive Mitchell ; National Trust Books - 9781911657309

The Sloth Lemur’s Song - Alison Richard - 9780008435981

Walking the Bones of Britain - Christopher Somerville - 9781804991060

Dust - Jay Owens - 9781529362657

London Clay - Tom Chivers - 9781529176711

Notes from Deep Time - Helen Gordon - 9781788161640

Die Geschichte der Erde - Bernhard Hubmann ; Harald Fritz - 9783737409858

Nationaler Geopark Ries - Martin Kluger - 9783946917106

Europa - Tim Flannery - 9783458681410

Eine kurze Geschichte des Klimas - Karl-Heinz Ludwig - 9783406766602

The Climates of the Geological Past - Die Klimate der geologischen Vorzeit - Wladimir Köppen ; Alfred Wegener - 9783443010881

Walking the Bones of Britain - Christopher Somerville - 9780857527110

Big History - DK - 9780241515525

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